Practical information / Booking
If you want a stay at Karolinelund Apartments please write us an email on karolinelund@karolinelund.eu or astrid@risvig.com. You can also book through booking.com, where we can be found. The phone number to Astrid +45 22998636 is also good to use. We speak both English and German.
Apartments and double rooms and prices:
The prices are:
a) Apartment 1 / apartment 44 from DKK. 1000,- per night ( look under Apartment 1 in the headlines)
b) Apartment 2 / apartment 60 from DKK. 1100,- per night (look under Apartment 2 in the headlines)
c) Double rooms have a price of DKK. 500,- per night (look under Welcome in the headlines)
The prices include linen, towels and Wi-Fi
Breakfast can be ordered the evening before - not later than 20:00. It will be brought to your door at the time, you choose. The breakfast consists of yogurt, cornflakes for the kids, milk, juice, butter, cheese, homemade marmalade and homemade bread. The price is DKK. 50,- per person. Kids under the age of 10 is half price.
Cleaning. If our guests will take off the linen of the beds and bring it and the used towels to the room with the washing machine next to the stairs, put the used service in the dishwasher and put things back on their place, I will do the cleaning for free. If you want me to do everything my price is DKK. 350,-
Cancellation rules are necessary, although it normally only concerns a few, that are prevented or are “no shows”. Cancellation before 30 days before arrival is free. If cancellation after 30 days before the stay and no matter the cause, the entire amount is due. If I can rent out the apartment/rooms again, which often happens, I will reduce the price relative to the days rented out. So, if all the days are rented out again it has no cost to cancel.